Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Challenge

God has been working on my a lot lately.  There are a number of things that I have complained about and done nothing to change for far too long.  A good friend has pointed out to me...MANY TIMES...that the only way to make a real difference is to take it to the Lord and ask Him to change me. For me, and I know this isn't for everyone, participating in prayer meeting is a huge tool to keep my heart and mind focused on the greatness of my God and off my issues.

So, this morning I ventured out to Prayer Breakfast at Crosspointe.  It's a small group who meet each Saturday morning at 7:30am....yes, 7:30am on a Saturday....geesh....and have a time of fellowship, food, a video message, and prayer.  The prayer time was wonderful.  It feels great to be able to freely lift our concerns to Christ and KNOW he hears us but for me this morning, it was the message in the video that was the blessing.

The video was a message on Elijah and Ahab (1 Kings 18) and it contained a challenge not be be on the fence with one foot in the Baal (worldly) camp and one foot in the God camp.  Let me catch you up on the story - - Elijah predicts a drought.  Ahab comes to Elijah and blames him for the drought (v17).  In turn Elijah lets Ahab know that it's not himself that's to blame, but Ahab and all those who have abandoned God to follow Baal (v18).  Elijah has Ahab gather all the Baal believers and challenges them to get off the fence between faith in God and faith in Baal.  He even goes so far as to set up two offerings and tells the believers of Baal to call upon their god and Elijah will call on his God and they will see who is the real God.  Guess what, Baal failed...God wins (v38)! And everyone who saw it believed!

So the challenge then was to get off the fence.  The challenge now is to get off the fence.  As Americans we are trained to hedge our bets.  We are taught to analyze all options and choose the path of least resistance.  But that is totally opposite of what God expects and wants from us!  We are called to follow hard after Him.  We are called to take the narrow path.  We are called to be individuals, not part of the crowd, and most certainly not to sit on the fence!

Today, I am making a choice to get off the fence.  I'm not sure what that will look like in the long run, but I do not want to be a neutral, lukewarm, on the fence Christian. I'm praying for all of you, my dear friends, to be different, to live for the Lord and get off the fence.  I'm asking you to pray for me as I work on my own fence sitting and step out to be more passionate for Christ.

Oh, and Saturday morning prayer meeting, I think YOU should join me there next Saturday!  :)  Good grief, if I can get up to pray at 7:30 in the morning anyone can  ;)

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