Dinner with friends...the kind of time where you forget you are in a restaurant full of people and laugh a little too loud, or lose track of time and sit talking for hours.
Shopping with my mom, or my daughters-in-law....the kind of bargain hunting that makes you feel like you have really accomplished something, a fist-pump kind of coupon, a deal that beats all deals!
Coffee with my hubby....a cup of coffee that give way to a great conversation that allows me to see the heart of the man I fell in love with, learn new things from him, and fall in love even more.
Prayer with other believers....a time of sharing, fellowship, and heartfelt prayer, together, growing in faith, laying it bare at the foot of the cross.
Laughing with my granddaughter....clapping, blah-blah-blahing, walking, and giggling with a precious little life, wondering what her future will bring at a year, two, ten, or more, imagining more grandchildren or simply this one and a gaggle of her friends, knowing no matter what, it's a blessing!
Snuggling with the cat...what was God thinking when he created the purr? Soft, sweet fur balls that snuggle and purr.
Worship....singing and praising God with a church full of people, learning, healing, growing, failing, and forgiving together.
That song on the radio...the one that brings back a memory from way back when and makes me cry or laugh or simply sing along.
There are so many of The Little Things In My Life that may not mean a thing to anyone else, but are the world to me.
A man that my husband works with died last week. We are not sure how he died, but it was a bold reminder to appreciate the little things in life. Rick was expected at work the other morning and never showed up. A friend and coworker went by the house later in the day to check on him and ended up calling the police. Rick was found dead in his bed. Imagine going to bed tonight and not waking in the morning.
If you didn't wake in the morning, first, and most important, where is your personal relationship with Christ? Do you admit you are a sinner? Do you believe that Christ died to forgive that sin? Have you confessed your sin and committed your life to Christ? If not, you need to get that sorted out.
Second, what are the little things that others would miss about you? Are you patient? Kind? Are you a gossip? Gruff with others? Do you show the love of Christ or the bitterness of a lost soul?
I am praying that when I am called to be with Jesus, people will say they saw the love of Christ in my life. I pray I will hear the words, "Good and faithful servant." I know that He has shown Himself to me over and over and over through all The Little Things In My Life! How has He shown Himself to you today? This week? How will others see Him through you?
Praying for my family, for Matt and Rachel as they decide on Matt's school schedule and job choices, for Marc and Herta and the ever looming immigration decisions, for my extended family's personal relationships with Christ...it's one thing to know about God, it's another to make it personal.
Praying for my church, for ongoing upgrades and improvements around the building, for all the different ministries and the people involved in them, for the paid staff and the volunteers that make worship happen every week, for the Pastors, Elders, and Deacons that teach and lead the flock.
Praying for my community, for those who I call neighbors and still don't reach out to, for those who are lost, hungry, and needing right here.
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